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发布时间: 2012-09-12   来源:
Approaches to the Simulation of Unconfined Flow and Perched Groundwater Flow in MODFLOW
Authors:Vivek Bedekar,Richard G. Niswonger1,Kenneth Kipp,Sorab Panday, Matthew Tonkin
Journal:Ground Water
Volumes 50,Issue 2
Date:March/April 2012
Page number:187–198
Abstract:Various approaches have been proposed to manage the nonlinearities associated with the unconfined flow equation and to simulate perched groundwater conditions using the MODFLOW family of codes. The approaches comprise a variety of numerical techniques to prevent dry cells from becoming inactive and to achieve a stable solution focused on formulations of the unconfined, partially-saturated, groundwater flow equation. Keeping dry cells active avoids a discontinuous head solution which in turn improves the effectiveness of parameter estimation software that relies on continuous derivatives. Most approaches implement an upstream weighting of intercell conductance and Newton-Raphson linearization to obtain robust convergence. In this study, several published approaches were implemented in a stepwise manner into MODFLOW for comparative analysis. First, a comparative analysis of the methods is presented using synthetic examples that create convergence issues or difficulty in handling perched conditions with the more common dry-cell simulation capabilities of MODFLOW. Next, a field-scale three-dimensional simulation is presented to examine the stability and performance of the discussed approaches in larger, practical, simulation settings.

作者: Vivek Bedekar,Richard G. Niswonger1,Kenneth Kipp,Sorab Panday, Matthew Tonkin
期刊号:2012, 50(2)
摘要:已经提出了很多方法解决与潜水流动方程有关的非线性问题以及用MODFLOW软件的代码模拟滞水流动状况。这个方法包括各种数值方法来考虑各项动态因素以及对于受压、部分饱和地下水流动方程得到一个稳定的解决方案。K保持各项影响因素的动态性避免了得到不连续的水头,反过来提高了基于连续倒数的参数估计软件的有效性。大多数方法使牛顿 - 拉夫森线性化,以获得较好的收敛性。在这项研究中,很多已经公布的方法逐步的应用于MODFLOW作为对比分析。首先,用合成实例呈现了一种比较分析的方法,在用MODFLOW的模拟能力处理滞水状况时出现了收敛问题或困难。接下来,呈现了一个场规模的三维模拟,用来检查所讨论的方法的稳定性和性能。
版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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