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发布时间: 2012-10-11   来源:

Implementation of the EPA’s Water Quality Trading Policy for Storm Water Management and Smart Growth

Kathleen M. Trauth1 and Yee-Sook Shin

Abstract: A strategy has been presented to address conflicts that may arise in implementing smart growth initiatives in the face of the growing importance given to controlling nonpoint source pollutants. These pollutants are the result of urban development and subsequent storm water runoff and are regulated under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s _EPA’s_ Phase I and Phase II storm water requirements. The strategy is based on utilizing EPA’s newly promulgated Water Quality Trading _WQT_ Policy that seeks tradeoffs between development in different portions of a watershed. The strategy is consistent with regulatory requirements in providing a means to maintain compliance with water quality criteria in all portions of a stream, while providing a community with the flexibility to allow continued development in economically important areas. The strategy can be applied on a community-wide basis or in individual locations to support individual smart growth projects. Issues that must be addressed before WQT can be implemented are identified, along with potential solution strategies. Although additional effort is necessary to implement WQT for smart growth, a framework has been established upon which subsequent work can be built.


作者:Kathleen M. Trauth, Yee-Sook Shin





摘要: 美国环保局制订了一项措施,旨在解决关于非点源污染治理引起的冲突,并实现更加智能的增长。这些非点源污染主要由城市暴雨引起,美国环境保护局通过实施第一和第二阶段的措施控制暴雨径流来实现非点源污染管理。这项措施主要基于美国环保局制订的水质交易政策(WQT)。这种策略符合管理机构的相关要求,一方面它能使流域内不同地区的水质达标,另一方面也允许经济重要地区的进一步发展,具有一定的灵活性。此策略既可以应用到整个区域又可应用在个别地点,从而支持个别地区的智能增长。本文识别了在水质贸易政策实施之前需要解决的问题,并提出对策。尽管对于智能增长来说,实施水质贸易政策还需要进一步的努力,但目前已经建立起一种大致的框架。

版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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