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发布时间: 2012-10-11   来源:

Efficient Hydraulic State Estimation Technique Using Reduced Models of Urban Water Networks

Ami Preis; Andrew J. Whittle, M.ASCE; Avi Ostfeld, M.ASCE; and Lina Perelman

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Volume 137, Issue 4 (July 2011)

This paper describes and demonstrates an efficient method for online hydraulic state estimation in urban water networks. The proposed method employs an online predictor-corrector (PC) procedure for forecasting future water demands. A statistical data-driven algorithm (M5 Model-Trees algorithm) is applied to estimate future water demands, and an evolutionary optimization technique (genetic algorithms) is used to correct these predictions with online monitoring data.To meet the computational efficiency requirements of real-time hydraulic state estimation for prototype urban networks that typically comprise tens of thousands of links and nodes, a reduced model is introduced using a water system–aggregation technique. The reduced model achieves a high-fidelity representation for the hydraulic performance of the complete network, but greatly simplifies the computation of the PC loop and facilitates the implementation of the online model. The proposed methodology is demonstrated on a prototypical municipal water-distribution system.



作者:Ami Preis; Andrew J. Whittle, M.ASCE; Avi Ostfeld, M.ASCE; and Lina Perelman





版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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