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发布时间: 2012-10-16   来源:


David Hallieell,MIichele Akeroyd and Jodieann Dawe



The Australian urban water research landscape

David Hallieell,MIichele Akeroyd and Jodieann Dawe

Abstract: High quality drinking water,free of pathogens and with low levels of chemical and physical impurities, is vital to our health. Globally, the provision of clean water, in addition to good sanitation, has been more effective than any other measure in reducing infectious disease and increasing public health (J.P. Mackenbach 2010, BMJ 334, s17). The Australian water industry is the envy of many countries for its supply of high quality water to the vast majority of our population. In part, the reason we can do this is our significant investment in water research and development. This includes investments made directly by utilities, investment from both the state and Commonwealth governments and investment from private industry and the university sector. The scope of research topics is broad, and includes pathogens, chemical contaminants, riskmanagement approaches, energyand greenhouse-related issues, and online detection systems.
版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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