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发布时间: 2012-10-16   来源:




Intelligent modeling of urban water supply prediction

Authors: Yangu Zhang, Yanlin Zhang

Keywords: Optimized support vector machine learning algorithm; Grid search and cross validation; Water consumption; Grey model

Abstract: To reduce energy and water, water supply company need estimate future water consumption according to the record of daily water supply, and best arrange future production planning and control, water consumption is uncertainty and is strong non-linear time series, water consumption prediction estimation is more concerned by academics, it is predicted through various methods, multiple regression analysis and gray forecast are the most common method at present, these methods are difficult to give a satisfactory result according to the characteristic of nonlinear and time varying. In accordance with the disadvantage above methods, a new intelligent model is presented to predict accurately water consumption of a city based on optimal common machine learning algorithm- support vector machine in this paper. Complex and strong nonlinear water consumption was simulated by network design and conformation of support vector machine learning algorithm and the optimized support vector machine parameters were selected by the method of network searching and cross validation according to existing data. Compared the errors with output value of the optimized model and output value from grey model, support vector machine whose parameter was optimized with cross validation had excellent ability of nonlinear modeling and generalization. It provides a simple and feasible intelligent approach for water consumption prediction.
版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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