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发布时间: 2012-10-16   来源:




Smart water system

Abstract: The global mobile communications revolution presents new opportunities to address water security and poverty reduction challenges. These milestones mark a new technological era which can transform the way water services are paid for, operated and regulated with the prospect of reducing the multi-billion dollar water service financing gap, crowding-in investment and lessening the fiscal burden, particularly for low-income countries. Mobile banking is already increasing financial access amongst low-income groups with emerging opportunities for innovative saving and payment applications in the water service sector. Smart water metering is rapidly being deployed across the industrialized world, and offers an untapped opportunity to address systemic operational inefficiencies in developing regions and to govern water resource use and allocation more effectively at scale. Based on a global literature review and proof-of-concept fieldwork in Kenya and Zambia, we find compelling evidence that the confluence of mobile network coverage expansion, wide-spread mobile phone ownership, innovative mobile banking applications and smart metering technologies offer new, effective, low-cost and inclusive pathways to water security and poverty reduction. Smart Water Systems (SWS) present a new approach to promote water security. For water service utilities the SWS approach can break the downward spiral of poor operational and financial performance.
版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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