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《Journal of Hydraulic Engineering》杂志刊登“中国2268年之久的都江堰工程的水利原理”
发布时间: 2012-11-22   来源:

《Journal of Hydraulic Engineering》杂志刊登“中国2268年之久的都江堰工程的水利原理”

作者:ShanghongZhang ;Yujun Yi ; Yan Liu ; and Xingkui Wang

刊物:Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2012年9月17日



Hydraulic principles of the 2,268-year-old Dujiangyan Project in China

Authors:ShanghongZhang ;Yujun Yi ; Yan Liu ; and Xingkui Wang

Journal: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, posted ahead of print September 17, 2012.

Key words:Dujiangyan Project; ancient hydraulic project; sustainable utilization; hydrodynamics

Abstract: The Dujiangyan Project is a World Cultural Heritage Site with relevance to water conservancy. It has been operated for more than 2,260 years and is still playing an important role in irrigation, urban and industrial water supply, flood control and tourism. This paper discusses the hydraulic principles of the project, focusing on the reasons for the longevity of the project. In particular, two aspects of the project are reviewed, namely the project’s practical engineering design and its outstanding historical significance and time-based maintenance. The project ingeniously used the topography of the terrain in the design of weir structures. The task of water diversion, irrigation and flood control was achieved using a two-step approach. The first step was achieved by utilizing the shifting of streamlines and the bend of flow from the town of Guankou to Fish Mouth (a diversion embankment). Flow and sediment discharge was further optimized using the second step of combined control of Feishayan (a sediment and flow spillway) and Baopingkou (an irrigating gate). The bend of flow within the Inner River forces the surface water to flow into Baopingkou, while the bottom sediments and pebbles discharge from Feishayan. Dynasties

throughout history attached great importance to the management and maintenance of the project. Retrofitting and time-based renovation prevented the abandonment of the project due to sediment accumulation and aging of building materials. Since the maintenance and operation costs were far lower than the economic, social and ecological benefits the project had brought, the Dujiangyan Project was sustainable over the long term. The study of the engineering design and maintenance rules of the Dujiangyan Project has value for the design and construction of modern hydraulic projects.


版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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