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《Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering》刊登“考虑水库粘性和吸波性的大坝动水压力的解析解”
发布时间: 2013-12-13   来源:

《Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering》刊登“考虑水库粘性和吸波性的大坝动水压力的解析解”

作者:Navayi Neya, Bahram ,Ardeshir, Mehdi

刊物:《Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering》,2013年8月,第38卷第8期,2023-2033页

关键词: 解析解,底部吸收,大坝-水库,动水压力,粘度频域


An Analytical Solution for Hydrodynamic Pressure on Dams Considering the Viscosity and Wave Absorption of the Reservoir

Authors:Navayi Neya, Bahram ,Ardeshir, Mehdi

Journal:Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering. Aug2013, Vol. 38 Issue 8, p2023-2033. 11p.

Key Word:Analytical solution,Bottom absorption,Dam-reservoir, Hydrodynamic pressure,Viscosity frequency domain

Abstract:In this paper, the governing equation of a concrete dam reservoir, which considers the fluid viscosity and the effect of bottom absorption under horizontal and vertical acceleration excitation, is solved in the frequency domain. The results are compared to those of a fluid when viscosity is excluded, and show that viscosity alters the natural period of the reservoir; consequently, the pressure responses are changed. Changes in pressure responses for excitation of the horizontal acceleration component have more intensity than for the vertical component. In addition, for periods close to the natural period of the reservoir, hydrodynamic pressure for viscous fluid differs significantly from the hydrodynamic pressure when the viscosity is zero. The bottom absorption for a range of excitation periods noticeably attenuates the pressure response; this reduction depends on the value of the bottom absorption coefficient, and is more intense when the excitation period is close to the natural period of the reservoir.


翻译:燕家琪; 审核:安鹏
版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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