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《Soil and Tillage Research》杂志刊登“利用PLAXIS程序模拟土壤-轮胎接触面竖直应力分布来预测耕种土壤压实度的新方法”
发布时间: 2013-12-13   来源:

《Soil and Tillage Research》杂志刊登“利用PLAXIS程序模拟土壤-轮胎接触面竖直应力分布来预测耕种土壤压实度的新方法”

作者:Pauline Défosseza, Guy Richardb

刊物:《Soil and Tillage Research》,95卷第1-2期,277—287页



A new approach for modeling vertical stress distribution at the soil/tire interface to predict the compaction of cultivated soils by using the PLAXIS code

Author: Pauline Défosseza, Guy Richardb

Journal: < Soil and Tillage Research > Volume 95, Issues 1–2, September 2007 

Keywords: Soil compaction; vertical stress distribution; PLAXIS code; FEM models; Bulk density          

Abstract: Soil compaction by agricultural machines can have adverse effects on crop production and the environment. Different models based on the Finite Element Method have been proposed to calculate soil compaction intensity as a function of vehicle and soil properties. One problem when modeling soil compaction due to traffic is the estimation of vertical stress distribution at the soil surface, as the vertical stress is inhomogeneous (non-uniform) and depends on soil and tire properties. However, uniform stress distribution at the soil/tire interface is used to predict the compaction of cultivated soils in most FEM compaction models. We propose a new approach to numerically model vertical stress distribution perpendicular to the driving direction at the soil/tire interface, employing the FEM models of PLAXIS code. The approach consists of a beam (characterized by its geometric dimensions and flexural rigidity) introduced at the soil surface and loaded with a uniform stress with the aim to simulate the action of a wheel at the soil surface. Different shapes of stress distribution are then obtained numerically at the soil surface by varying the flexural rigidity of the beam and the mechanical parameters of the soil. PLAXIS simulations show that the soil type (soil texture) modifies the shape of the stress distribution at the edges of the contact interface: a parabolic form is obtained for sand, whereas a U-shaped is obtained for clay. The flexural rigidity of the beam changes the shape of distribution which varies from a homogenous (uniform) to an inhomogeneous distribution (parabolic or U-shaped distribution). These results agree with the measurements of stress distributions for different soils in the literature. We compared simulations of bulk density using PLAXIS to measurement data from compaction tests on a loamy soil. The results show that simulations are improved when using a U-shaped vertical stress distribution which replaces a homogenous one. Therefore, the use of a beam (cylinder) with various flexural rigidities at the soil surface can be used to generate the appropriate distribution of vertical stress for soil compaction modeling during traffic.


翻译:王丽娟  审核:安鹏
版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
电话:010-68781697,68781380 邮箱:skl-cjb@iwhr.com 地址:海淀区复兴路甲一号D座936室
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