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《Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics》杂志刊登“相邻结构在强地震作用下的结构碰撞。第二部分:多维地震效应”
发布时间: 2013-12-13   来源:

《Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics》杂志刊登“相邻结构在强地震作用下的结构碰撞。第二部分:多维地震效应”

作者:Sofia Efraimiadou;George D. Hatzigeorgiou;Dimitri E. Beskos

刊物:《Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics》,2013年,42卷第10期,1529-1545页



Structural pounding between adjacent buildings subjected to strong ground motions. Part II: The effect of multiple earthquakes

Authors: Sofia Efraimiadou;George D. Hatzigeorgiou;Dimitri E. Beskos

Journal: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Volume 42, Issue 10, pages1529-1545, August2013

Key words: non-linear seismic behaviour; structural pounding; multiple earthquakes

Abstract: The effect of collision between adjacent reinforced concrete building frames under multiple earthquakes is investigated in this paper. The four planar frames and the nine different pairs of adjacent reinforced concrete structures of the first companion paper are also examined here, under five real seismic sequences. Such a sequence of earthquakes results in a significant damage accumulation in a structure because any rehabilitation action between any two successive seismic motions cannot be practically materialized because of lack of time. Various parameters are investigated, such as the maximum horizontal displacement of top floor, ductility of columns, permanent displacements and so on. Furthermore, four different separation gaps between the building frames are considered to determine their influence on the behavior of these frames. It is concluded that in most of the cases, the seismic sequences appear to be detrimental in comparison with the single seismic events. 


版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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