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《Hydrological Processes》杂志刊登“对稳流渗入位于承压含水层的不完整不透水边壁井的研究”
发布时间: 2013-12-13   来源:

《Hydrological Processes》杂志刊登“对稳流渗入位于承压含水层的不完整不透水边壁井的研究”

作者:Saivash Behrooz-Koohenjani, Nozar Samani, Mazda Kompani-Zare

刊物:Hydrological Processes ,2013年7月30日,27卷16期,2271–2279页

关键词:分析方法;底流 ;不完整井;安全泵送率 ;出砂


Steady flow to a partially penetrating blind-wall well in a confined aquifer

Authors: Saivash Behrooz-Koohenjani, Nozar Samani, Mazda Kompani-Zare

Journal: Hydrological Processes, Volume 27, Issue 16, pages 2271–2279, 30 July 2013

Keywords: analytical solution; bottom flow; partially penetrating well; safe pumping rate; sand production

Abstract:Wells in aquifers of loose collapsible sediment are cased so that they have a blind wall and gain water only from the bottom. The hydraulic gradient established at the bottom of these wells during pumping brings the aquifer materials in a quicksand state, which may cause abrasion of pipes and pumps and even the destruction of well structure. To examine the quicksand occurrence, an analytical solution for the steady flow to a partially penetrating blind-wall well in a confined aquifer is developed. The validity of the proposed solution is evaluated numerically. The sensitivity of maximum vertical gradient along the well bottom in response to aquifer and well parameters is examined. The solution is presented in the form of dimensionless-type curves and equations that can be easily used to design the safe pumping rate and optimum well geometry to protect the well against sand production. The solution incorporates the anisotropy of aquifer materials and can also be used to determine the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer.


版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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