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《Water Research》杂志刊登“城市污泥流变特性的研究:文献综述”
发布时间: 2013-12-13   来源:

《Water Research》杂志刊登“城市污泥流变特性的研究:文献综述”

作  者:Nicky Eshtiaghi, Flora Markis, Shao Dong Yap, Jean-Christophe Baudeza, Paul Slatter

刊  物:《Water Research》,2013年,47卷第15期,5493-5510页


摘  要:由于城市人口增长和针对治理污泥传统方法的环境条例日趋严格,可持续污泥管理已成为污水处理一个的主要问题。为解决该问题,关于污泥处理各种形态详细的了解对改进和优化污水处理措施至关重要。本文对最新的试验工作进行综述,旨在帮助研究人员发展一种可行的技术,可以应用在测试污泥粘度、屈服应力、触变性和粘弹性以及更好理解固体浓度、温度和含水量等这些属性等方面。在一定试验条件下,选择合适的流变模型和流变仪同样十分重要。

Rheological characterisation of municipal sludge: A review

Authors: Nicky Eshtiaghi, Flora Markis, Shao Dong Yap, Jean-Christophe Baudeza, Paul Slatter

Journal: Water Research, Volume 47, Number 15 (2013), 5493-5510

Key words: Municipal sludge; Rheological models; Yield stress; Viscosity; Thixotropy; Viscoelasticity; Physico-chemical properties

Abstract: Sustainable sludge management is becoming a major issue for wastewater treatment plants due to increasing urban populations and tightening environmental regulations for conventional sludge disposal methods. To address this problem, a good understanding of sludge behaviour is vital to improve and optimize the current state of wastewater treatment operations. This paper provides a review of the recent experimental works in order for researchers to be able to develop a reliable characterization technique for measuring the important properties of sludge such as viscosity, yield stress, thixotropy, and viscoelasticity and to better understand the impact of solids concentrations, temperature, and water content on these properties. In this context, choosing the appropriate rheological model and rheometer is also important.


版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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