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《Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences》杂志刊登“大型冲积河流对采矿扰动的物理和生态响应”
发布时间: 2014-07-07   来源:

《Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences》杂志刊登“大型冲积河流对采矿扰动的物理和生态响应”

作者:Rempel, L. L. ;Church, M

刊物:Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,2009年,66卷1期


摘要:在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省菲沙河,通过去除河中碎石的试验,以研究高速水流下的泥沙输移对鱼类栖息地恢复的作用。超过69 000 m3的石块被除去后,残留区域地形简单,只是表面覆盖着一层松散的砂石。随后,低于平均水平的洪水虽然没有产生砂石补给,但是恢复了基底粒度,也在栖息地规模上恢复了一定的地形复杂性。第三,高于平均水平的洪水补充了砂石去除量的31%。高海拔区高速水流条件下,砂石仍提供鱼类栖息地,在三次大洪水之后栖息地仍能保留25%或是更小。砂石开采对鱼类的影响还没有得到证实。开采结束后底栖无脊椎动物种群会迅速回到开采区域,并且从三个参考点获得的信息显示在第一次洪水发生期间,群落组成的差异就会消失。结果表明,由于采砂活动,无脊椎动物的自身变化降低应在一定的范围内,即本地底栖生物种群习惯生活在洪水期间,这是因为生态反应是温和短暂的。尽管是一个大量样本的抽样方案,但是,生物数据自身的固有变异性还是降低了统计检测效果。支持对渔业河流进行适应性管理的监控程序要想得出最终的结果需要大量的投资和规划。


Physical and ecological response to disturbance by gravel mining in a large alluvial river

Authors:Rempel, L. L. ;Church, M

Journal: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,2009, 66(1)

Keywords:aquatic invertebrates; benthos; ecological disturbance; erosion; floods  geological sedimentation; gravel;habitats; rivers; water management;water resources; British Columbia; Canada

Abstract:The role of sediment transport during high flows for restoring fish habitat was demonstrated following an experimental gravel removal from Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Dry bar scalping 69 000 m3 of river sediment left a topographically simple removal area with a loose surface of gravel and sand. Two subsequent, below-average floods yielded no gravel replenishment but restored substrate grain size and some topographical complexity at the habitat scale. A third, above-average flood replenished 31% of the removal volume. High-elevation bar area, which provides fish habitat at high flows, remained 25% smaller after the three floods. Effects of mining on the fish community could not be confirmed. Benthic invertebrates recolonized the removal site immediately after mining, and differences in community composition compared with three reference sites disappeared during the first flood. Results suggest that physical changes due to this mining operation fell within the range to which local aquatic populations are accustomed during flooding, because the ecological response was modest and short-lived. Despite an extensive sampling program, inherent variability in the biological data reduced statistical power to detect an effect. Monitoring programs to support adaptive management of river fisheries will require substantial investment and planning to yield definitive results.



版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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