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《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》杂志刊登“伊朗Kojour森林流域:采砂对悬浮粒径分布的影响
发布时间: 2014-07-07   来源:

《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》杂志刊登“伊朗Kojour森林流域:采砂对悬浮粒径分布的影响”

作者:S. H. R. Sadeghi and M. KianiHarchegani

刊物:Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology,2012年,14卷,1637-1646页


摘要:沉积物在土壤侵蚀作用下离开其原有物质表面,并以悬浮颗粒的形式运输。TarbiatModares大学对约5000公顷的森林流域进行了前期研究,目的在于评价采砂对该流域悬移质泥沙分布的影响。研究采集了采砂前后的51个水体样本,这些样本采集的时间在2007年11月和2008年6月之间,根据Stokes定律阐述的斜窄流沉降分离原理和改进的移液技术,分析了悬移质主要粒子的沉降率。样本分析表明,悬浮泥沙粒径分布( SSPSD )受采砂影响显著。具体来说,独立样本T检验表明,采砂期间和之后,沙,淤泥和SSC的平均含量差异显著( P <0.01),分别是74.19 ± 13.4和9.75 ±13.8,81.77 ± 4.5和2.96 ± 2.7%,7.66 ± 7.7和0.34 ± 0.3 gl-1。此外,获得的数据集之间在采砂期间和之后的水文和SSPSD 特点上并没有显著差异,差异约为1%,这清楚地证明了采砂对SSPSD的影响。

Effects of Sand Mining on Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution in Kojour Forest River, Iran

Authors:S. H. R. Sadeghi and M. KianiHarchegani

Journal:Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, (2012) Vol. 14: 1637-1646

Keywords:Kojour watershed, Particle size distribution, Sand mining, Suspendedsediment, concentration.

Abstract:Soil erosion causes sediments to be detached from their source materials and transported as suspended particles. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of sand exploitation on the distribution of suspended sediments in the Educational and Research Forest Watershed of TarbiatModares University, which comprises approximately 50,000 ha. Fifty-one water samples were collected before and after sand mining between November 2007 and June 2008. The settling rates of the primary particles of suspended sediments were then analyzed based on the principle of sedimentation described by Stokes’ law and using the modified pipette technique. Analyses of the samples indicated that the Suspended Sediment Particle Size Distribution (SSPSD) was significantly affected by sand mining. Specifically, an independent samples T-test demonstrated that the mean contents of sand, silt and SSC during and after sand mining differed significantly (P< 0.01), with respective values of 74.19±13.4 and 9.75±13.8, 81.77±4.5 and 2.96±2.7% and, 7.66±7.7 and 0.34±0.3 g l-1 being observed. Additionally, no significant difference was found between data sets collected before and during sand mining for hydrologic and SSPSD characteristics at 1%, which clearly proved consequent effects of sand mining on SSPSD.


版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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