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《Water and Environment Journal》杂志刊登“降低含水层排泄量水文气象模型复杂性的方法研究”
发布时间: 2014-07-07   来源:

《Water and Environment Journal》杂志刊登“降低含水层排泄量水文气象模型复杂性的方法研究”

作者:NazzarenoDiodato, Francesco Fiorillo

刊物:Water and Environment Journal,2013年9月,27卷2期,170–176页



Complexity-reduced in the hydroclimatological modelling ofaquifer's discharge

Authors:NazzarenoDiodato, Francesco Fiorillo

Journal: Water and Environment Journal, Volume 27, Issue 2, pages 170–176, June 2013

Keywords:climate;karst zone;modelling;precipitation;pring discharge

Abstract:Climate variability induces considerable interannual fluctuations in spring discharge, especially in mountain areas, where groundwater is recharged mainly by rain and snow melt. This study presents the discharge climatological model (DISCLIM), which was developed to test a complexity-reduced approach to perform historical reconstruction in the lack of physical assumptions. The Mount Cervialto aquifer (Southern Italy) is the test site, where a powerful karst spring is monitored since the 1920s and is very sensitive to climatic conditions. DISCLIM incorporates seasonal precipitation and climate indicators only. Despite its simplicity, DISCLIM has been able to well estimate the yearly fluctuations of discharge hydrological, explaining about 90% of the interannual variability at the calibration stage, and more than 80% at validation stage. This means that DISCLIM can be easily used for estimating the discharge in historical times, when no all the hydrological balance data are available for the purpose.




版权所有:流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室 技术支持:中国水科院信息中心
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